Storm Water Management
CVL has a reputation for professional excellence in drainage for both public and private sector clients. From master planned drainage and storm water management facilities to innovative and cost-effective flood control infrastructure designs and acquisition of complex environmental permits, CVL delivers quality services focusing on practical real-world answers to tough budget and schedule challenges.
Projects Include
- Drainage Master Planning
- Watershed Management
- Hydromodification Management
- LID and Green Infrastructure Design and Assessments
- Alternative Evaluations and Cost Estimates
- Flood Control Infrastructure Design
- Public and Private Drainage Infrastructure
- Hydrology Studies (HEC-1, HEC-HMS, FLO-2D)
- Hydraulic Analyses (HEC-RAS, RiverFlow2D, Bentley)
- Channels, Drop Structures, Energy Dissipaters, Basins
- Bridge Hydraulics and Bank Protection
- Scour and Erosion Analyses and Mitigation
- Sediment Yield and Sediment Transport
- FEMA CLOMR / LOMR Approvals
- 404 Delineations and Permitting