Hartman Road, Bowlin Road, Farrell Road
Arterial Roadway Improvements
Maricopa, Arizona
Services Provided: Civil Engineering, Storm Water Management
Project Description: Arterial roadway improvements in the City of Maricopa in conformance with the Small Area Transportation Study. Design construction plans included paving, signing and striping, guard rail, future bridge crossing coordination, Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation District lateral relocation design and coordination, Electrical District #3 69KV power line coordination.
Louis Johnson Road
Arterial Roadway Improvements
Pinal County, Arizona
Services Provided: Civil Engineering, Land Planning
Project Description: Arterial roadway improvements in Pinal County. Design construction plans included two lanes of roadway extension from State Route 347 west to White Road. Coordination of a roadway development agreement with a private property owner and right of way access permit approval from ADOT
APS Access – State Route, 89 A Glassford Hill Road
Arterial Roadway Improvements
Prescott, Arizona
Services Provided: Civil Engineering
Project Description: For this project, CVL provided left turn lane, thru lane, and pavement extension north of the existing Glassford Hill Road interchange. The scope of work-included addition of a new signal arm, signal timing updates, signing, striping, paving, grading, and SWPPP work within ADOT right of way. Construction related coordination included pothole locations of the existing utilities within the ADOT utility corridor. The work is related to an improved APS access roadway to provide construction and maintenance access to a new substation. All work provided was in conformance with ADOT plan requirements.