Arizona State University’s Integrated Civil Engineering Design

Arizona State University’s Integrated Civil Engineering Design (CEE 486) is a required course for ASU Seniors. It is a special project class in which the students divide into teams of 4 to 8 students, depending on class size, and perform an evaluation of a parcel of land of their choosing. Typical items of study performed include Due Diligence, Structural, Water, Sewer, Drainage and Traffic Studies.

Benefits of this mentorship program include: the students learning how to work as a team, a greater understanding of how to integrate the various elements of the project into a coherent whole and practice making presentations in front of a group. CVL provides guidance and additional training in engineering fundamentals.

This is a semester long project in which students visit the CVL office 3 times per year to present their findings to Environmental Director Eric Laurin and a team of CVL personnel.