Retail Outlet Mall
Arizona Mills
Tempe, Ariz.
Project Size: 115 acres, 260 units
Project Description: Arizona Mills is a 13-anchor, retail outlet mall with 1.5 million square feet of leasable space, an IMAX theater and 25-screen cinema. This retail and entertainment destination was developed on 115 acres at the intersection of two Interstates, where land slopes approximately 30 feet from north to south.
Value Added: CVL was hired to prepare the site for construction and design an integrated drainage/retention system. We created a centralized retention basin and numerous detention basins in the parking lot. The grade differential was engineered with a minimal amount of retaining walls by utilizing parking lot/street grades and landscaped slopes in setback areas.
In addition, CVL’s landscape plan for the parking lot created the effect of a field of trees instead of islands of trees. This not only increased the amount of vegetation, but it also increased the number of parking spaces on site.
In conjunction with Arizona Mills, CVL also provided plans for an improvement district, administered by the City of Tempe, which included the outer loop road of the mall, three entrance roads and an exit road with a bridge to facilitate new developments and transportation around the area.