Sunset Farms – Western Area Power Authority (WAPA)
High Voltage Transmission Line
Phoenix, Arizona
Services Provided: Civil Engineering, Land Planning
Project Description: CVL survey crews established and defined an existing 2-mile long high voltage electrical transmission line easement held by WAPA through the project boundary area. Close coordination with WAPA in the pre-design phase eliminated costly boundary delineation issues. CVL was able to prepare the necessary legal descriptions for the recordation of the newly defined easement.
Ocotillo Road
Power Lines & Road Construction
Phoenix, Arizona
Services Provided: Civil Engineering, Storm Water Management, Land Planning
Project Description: Existing power poles and lines were located within the curb and sidewalk of Ocotillo Road. CVL was asked to relocate the curb and sidewalk to make the roadway safer for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In addition to being the engineer of record CVL was also asked to provide the construction management services.
Special considerations included:
• ADA requirements: There were no ADA ramps available on Ocotillo Road, in addition to relocating the curb and sidewalk design of ADA ramps needed to be incorporated. By updating the roadway ADA requirements the sidewalk became more user friendly to pedestrians.
• Fire hydrants: After the redesign of the sidewalk and curbs the fi re hydrants were now in the middle of pedestrian right of ways. CVL worked with the City of Phoenix to obtain the proper easements necessary to move the fi re hydrants within the boundaries of the new design.
• Neighborhood meetings: Every driveway along Ocotillo Road had to be realigned, it was necessary for CVL to conduct meetings with neighbors to coordinate the schedule. Close coordination with the community members and the City of Phoenix allow the construction to proceed on schedule with no delays.